Trend Busana Muslim Terbaru 2011

What kind of Muslim fashion latest trend for 2011? Moslem or Muslim is required to be used by Muslims, especially women, because it is the obligation which has been closed aurat specified in the Koran so we should not oppose it because it was for our salvation to the world and the hereafter nanti.berikut are some tips and Muslim dress requirements.
If the theme alone is Moslem, would you wear clothing must meet the rules. Notice the part which should be extended to cover the aurat start from head to toe, except the palms of the hands and face. For example on the arm extended. Or if not longer, add accessories such as Manet. Select the material is also not too thin so as not transparent and not too tight so that the curves are not prominent.
When this model is no longer Muslim fashion clothing that's it. There have been many modifications over the development of the need for Muslim fashion. However, you should still keen in buying. Ask yourself, if clothing is appropriate or not for you to wear. For example, Muslim fashion trends pretty with sequins and beads are often enchanting. It would be more appropriate if part of your eyes darker. If the clothing you need is a fashion house, look simple. Different again when you are looking for Muslim clothing for work or party. For fashion work, choose soft, neutral colors. As for dress party, it would not hurt if you choose a model that is more "crowded", for example with sequins, beads, or made from luxurious.
Not a new thing if muslim clothing that tends to often closed to grip and less comfortable. Therefore, the selection of material when I want to wear Muslim clothing must be included in your consideration list. Luxurious and expensive material that does not mean the material is always comfortable to wear. Most important is the material is comfortable when you wear. For that, try to select a flexible material, heavy but not fall. Materials such as viscose, silk and cotton can be selected to maximize your appearance in the Muslim fashion.
Most Moslem consists only of basic colors like black, brown and dark blue. But if you only have relied on those colors, do not be surprised if later on you will say out of date. If you do not want to miss, do not hesitate to express with the new colors. Bright colors no longer display the impression tacky. Or fine if you want to combine the colors in your outfit. Do not forget the color you choose try matching with a veil that you wear to create the impression of unified and alive.
Choosing the veil is not easy. Instead of seeking to change the appearance, you may be ridiculed because of the veil that you are using is not suitable. So, how do I? Wear a scarf which only consists of one color or just plain if you wear the dress of patterned or patterned material. Choose a thin veil material and falls, giving rise to the impression of elegance when you wear.
Choice models are now a variety of veils. You only need to choose clothes that fit with the dress 'braid', model 'wrap', until a model of 'stack' will increasingly make you look beautiful. information about Muslim dress

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